February CNAS Newsletter
CNAS Scholars in the News
We are immensely grateful for the recognition our program has received in terms of successfully retaining student GPA, retention rates, and four-year paths to graduation. We have showcased some of our publications and recognitions here:
- "Spotlight on Success: STEM Learning Communities" by Urban University
- "Bright Spots in Hispanic Education Fulfilling America's Future" by U.S. Department of Education
- "Do Learning Communities Increase First Year College Retention? Testing Sample Selection and External Validity of Randomized Control Trials." by Tarek Azzam & Michael Bates & David Fairris, 2019. Working Papers 202002, University of California Riverside, Department of Economics.
- "UC Riverside Cited for Success with Pell Grants: Learning Communities for Freshman are Part of the Not-So-Secret Recipe." by UCR Today
Additionally, our Learning Communities have helped UC, Riverside's contributions to the University Innovation Alliance, which specializes in enhancing the accessibility of quality college degrees to a diverse span of students.
- "UCR Joins College Group to Improve Graduation Rates" by the Highlander
Lastly, we want to recognize the financial support we've received from renown STEM organizations to continue our success:
- Howard Hughes Medical Institute Grant
- Seymour and Wilma Van Gundy Endowed Undergraduate Research Fund
- SL-Care: Student Learning Communities and Research Engagement by the National Science Foundation
- The John and Elizabeth Leonard Family Foundation for annually funding 8 CNAS Scholar RISE participants.
- PERSIST: Promoting Engagement, Retention, and Success in STEM Training by the National Science Foundation